All Verbs | /service/QueryCustomerAlsoBought | ||
All Verbs | /service/QueryCustomerAlsoBought/{OrderProductId} |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
OrderProductId | path | string | No | |
DaysBack | query | double | No | |
CartId | query | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Skip | form | int? | No | |
Take | form | int? | No | |
OrderBy | form | string | No | |
OrderByDesc | form | string | No | |
Include | form | string | No | |
Fields | form | string | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
strOrderNumber | form | string | No | |
lngPosition | form | int | No | |
strProductID | form | string | No | |
memDescription | form | string | No | |
dblQtyOrdered | form | double? | No | |
curSalesPrice | form | double? | No | |
curListPrice | form | double? | No | |
dblDiscount | form | double? | No | |
strUnitMeasure | form | string | No | |
memNotes | form | string | No | |
dtmShipDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
dtmCancelDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
strManufacturerID | form | string | No | |
strPONumber | form | string | No | |
strTerms | form | string | No | |
strShipMethod | form | string | No | |
strColor | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardNumber | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardType | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardName | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardExpiration | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAVS | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAddress | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAddress2 | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardCity | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardState | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardZipcode | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardCountry | form | string | No | |
ysnActive | form | bool? | No | |
strCustom1 | form | string | No | |
strCustom2 | form | string | No | |
strCustom3 | form | string | No | |
strCustom4 | form | string | No | |
strCustom5 | form | string | No | |
strCustom6 | form | string | No | |
strCustom7 | form | string | No | |
strCustom8 | form | string | No | |
strCustom9 | form | string | No | |
strCustom10 | form | string | No | |
strCustom11 | form | string | No | |
strCustom12 | form | string | No | |
strCustom13 | form | string | No | |
strCustom14 | form | string | No | |
strCustom15 | form | string | No | |
dtmEntered | form | DateTime? | No | |
strCategory | form | string | No | |
intRevision | form | int? | No | |
dblOrderDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblLineDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblQtyBreakPrice | form | double? | No | |
dblPriceOverride | form | double? | No | |
dblPromoDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblCustomerLevelPrice | form | double? | No | |
dblItemGroupDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblCustomerContractPrice | form | double? | No | |
dblCustomerOrderLevelDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblCustomerLineLevelDiscount | form | double? | No | |
dblCustomerLineLevelQty | form | double? | No | |
dblExtendedTotal | form | double? | No | |
strPromoNote | form | string | No | |
dblPromoDollarAmount | form | double? | No | |
strSplitOrigSO | form | string | No | |
strPromoCode | form | string | No | |
dblQtyShipped | form | double? | No | |
strSubCategory | form | string | No | |
strWarehouse | form | string | No | |
ysnKitComponent | form | bool | No | |
strLineNotes | form | string | No | |
strBrandID | form | string | No | |
strPromoCode2 | form | string | No | |
strComments | form | string | No | |
strSalesRep | form | string | No | |
strReasonCode | form | string | No | |
lngParentPosition | form | int? | No | |
strStatus | form | string | No | |
ysnQtyAdjusted | form | bool | No | |
strSuperCategory | form | string | No | |
strEnforceESA | form | string | No | |
dtmESADate | form | DateTime? | No | |
dblCustom1 | form | double? | No | |
dblCustom2 | form | double? | No | |
dblCustom3 | form | double? | No | |
dblCustom4 | form | double? | No | |
dblCustom5 | form | double? | No | |
intCustom1 | form | int? | No | |
intCustom2 | form | int? | No | |
intCustom3 | form | int? | No | |
intCustom4 | form | int? | No | |
intCustom5 | form | int? | No | |
dblQtyOpen | form | double? | No | |
dblUpcharge | form | double? | No | |
strDICost | form | string | No | |
strHTS | form | string | No | |
strDuty | form | string | No | |
strWeight | form | string | No | |
strCube | form | string | No | |
strPort | form | string | No | |
strUPC | form | string | No | |
strCaseDimensions | form | string | No | |
strWarehouseID | form | string | No | |
strTagFor | form | string | No | |
ysnUsedProductShipDate | form | bool | No | |
xmlOptions | form | string | No | |
strOptionGroupList | form | string | No | |
strPriceList | form | string | No | |
ysnContractPrice | form | bool | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Label | form | string | No | |
Id | form | string | No | |
Count | form | int | No | |
Total | form | double | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Offset | form | int | No | |
Total | form | int | No | |
Results | form | List<T> | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No | |
ResponseStatus | form | ResponseStatus | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json
To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /service/QueryCustomerAlsoBought HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: length {"offset":0,"total":0,"results":[{"label":"String","id":"String","count":0,"total":0}],"meta":{"String":"String"},"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"String","message":"String","stackTrace":"String","errors":[{"errorCode":"String","fieldName":"String","message":"String","meta":{"String":"String"}}],"meta":{"String":"String"}}}