Required role: | Administrator |
All Verbs | /service/UpdateCustomerRDB |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | string | No | |
CompanyName | form | string | No | |
AccountType | form | string | No | |
BillAddress | form | string | No | |
BillAddress2 | form | string | No | |
BillCity | form | string | No | |
BillState | form | string | No | |
BillZipcode | form | string | No | |
BillCountry | form | string | No | |
Phone | form | string | No | |
ShipName | form | string | No | |
ShipAddress | form | string | No | |
ShipAddress2 | form | string | No | |
ShipCity | form | string | No | |
ShipState | form | string | No | |
ShipZipcode | form | string | No | |
ShipCountry | form | string | No | |
ShipPhone | form | string | No | |
form | string | No | ||
Website | form | string | No | |
Fax | form | string | No | |
Contact | form | string | No | |
CreditCardType | form | string | No | |
CreditCardNumber | form | string | No | |
CreditCardExpiration | form | string | No | |
CreditCardAVS | form | string | No | |
CreditCardName | form | string | No | |
CreditCardAddress | form | string | No | |
CreditCardAddress2 | form | string | No | |
CreditCardCity | form | string | No | |
CreditCardState | form | string | No | |
CreditCardZipcode | form | string | No | |
CreditCardCountry | form | string | No | |
ShipVia | form | string | No | |
Terms | form | string | No | |
SalesRep | form | string | No | |
Notes | form | string | No | |
KeyAccount | form | bool | No | |
CreditLimit | form | double | No | |
DBNum | form | string | No | |
Bank | form | string | No | |
BankAccountNum | form | string | No | |
BankAccountType | form | string | No | |
FederalTaxId | form | string | No | |
StateTaxId | form | string | No | |
Reference1 | form | string | No | |
Reference2 | form | string | No | |
Reference3 | form | string | No | |
Reference4 | form | string | No | |
Reference5 | form | string | No | |
FaxOrder | form | bool | No | |
EmailOrder | form | bool | No | |
Custom1STR | form | string | No | |
Custom2STR | form | string | No | |
Custom3STR | form | string | No | |
Custom4STR | form | string | No | |
Custom5STR | form | string | No | |
Custom6STR | form | string | No | |
Custom7STR | form | string | No | |
Custom8STR | form | string | No | |
Custom9STR | form | string | No | |
Custom10STR | form | string | No | |
Custom11STR | form | string | No | |
Custom12STR | form | string | No | |
Custom13STR | form | string | No | |
Custom14STR | form | string | No | |
Custom15STR | form | string | No | |
NewCustomer | form | bool | No | |
Modified | form | bool | No | |
Discount | form | double | No | |
LineLevel | form | bool | No | |
OrderLevel | form | bool | No | |
PricingLevel | form | string | No | |
Type | form | string | No | |
Created | form | DateTime | No | |
SalesRep2 | form | string | No | |
LastContact | form | DateTime | No | |
LastOrder | form | DateTime | No | |
ERPNotes | form | string | No | |
CurBalance | form | double | No | |
Past30Days | form | double | No | |
Past60Days | form | double | No | |
Past90Days | form | double | No | |
Past1Days | form | double | No | |
Source | form | string | No | |
TerritoryId | form | string | No | |
RegionId | form | string | No | |
OriginalCustomerId | form | string | No | |
Exported | form | bool | No | |
CurrencyCode | form | string | No | |
CYForecast | form | double | No | |
NYForecast | form | double | No | |
InfoReviewed | form | DateTime | No | |
_InfoReviewed | form | bool | No | |
PriceList | form | string | No | |
Ranking | form | string | No | |
Hash | form | string | No | |
SalesRep3 | form | string | No | |
SalesRep4 | form | string | No | |
SalesRep5 | form | string | No | |
Residential | form | bool | No | |
PORequired | form | bool | No | |
Custom16STR | form | string | No | |
Custom17STR | form | string | No | |
Custom18STR | form | string | No | |
Custom19STR | form | string | No | |
Custom20STR | form | string | No | |
Custom21STR | form | string | No | |
Custom22STR | form | string | No | |
Custom23STR | form | string | No | |
Custom24STR | form | string | No | |
Custom25STR | form | string | No | |
Custom26STR | form | string | No | |
Custom27STR | form | string | No | |
Custom28STR | form | string | No | |
Custom29STR | form | string | No | |
Custom30STR | form | string | No | |
CreditAvailable | form | double | No | |
TotalBalance | form | double | No | |
FutureBalance | form | double | No | |
BankAddress | form | string | No | |
BankCity | form | string | No | |
BankState | form | string | No | |
BankZipcode | form | string | No | |
BankPhone | form | string | No | |
BankFax | form | string | No | |
BankContact | form | string | No | |
Reference1Account | form | string | No | |
Reference1Phone | form | string | No | |
Reference1Fax | form | string | No | |
Reference1Contact | form | string | No | |
Reference2Account | form | string | No | |
Reference2Phone | form | string | No | |
Reference2Fax | form | string | No | |
Reference2Contact | form | string | No | |
Reference3Account | form | string | No | |
Reference3Phone | form | string | No | |
Reference3Fax | form | string | No | |
Reference3Contact | form | string | No | |
SalesRep1Sellable | form | bool | No | |
SalesRep2Sellable | form | bool | No | |
SalesRep3Sellable | form | bool | No | |
SalesRep4Sellable | form | bool | No | |
SalesRep5Sellable | form | bool | No | |
BillAddress3 | form | string | No | |
ShipAddress3 | form | string | No | |
CreatedBy | form | string | No | |
SetupCompleted | form | bool | No | |
SendSetupForm | form | bool | No | |
B2BUserId | form | string | No | |
CreditChecksExecuted | form | int | No | |
CreditHold | form | bool | No | |
Owner | form | string | No | |
LocationType | form | string | No | |
AnnualSales | form | string | No | |
NumOfEmployees | form | string | No | |
YearBusinessOpened | form | string | No | |
DaysHoursOfOperation | form | string | No | |
BestTimesToContact | form | string | No | |
BuyingMonths | form | string | No | |
SICCode | form | string | No | |
NAICSCode | form | string | No | |
CreditProfileId | form | string | No | |
BankBranchLocation | form | string | No | |
Reference1Address | form | string | No | |
Reference1City | form | string | No | |
Reference1State | form | string | No | |
Reference1Zip | form | string | No | |
Reference2Address | form | string | No | |
Reference2City | form | string | No | |
Reference2State | form | string | No | |
Reference2Zip | form | string | No | |
Reference3Address | form | string | No | |
Reference3City | form | string | No | |
Reference3State | form | string | No | |
Reference3Zip | form | string | No | |
DNU | form | bool | No | |
RestrictionGroup | form | string | No | |
DiscountPercent1 | form | double | No | |
DiscountPercent2 | form | double | No | |
DiscountPercent3 | form | double | No | |
DiscountPercent4 | form | double | No | |
DiscountPercent5 | form | double | No | |
KeyAccountGroup | form | string | No | |
Custom31STR | form | string | No | |
Custom32STR | form | string | No | |
Custom33STR | form | string | No | |
Custom34STR | form | string | No | |
Custom35STR | form | string | No | |
Custom36STR | form | string | No | |
Custom37STR | form | string | No | |
Custom38STR | form | string | No | |
Custom39STR | form | string | No | |
Custom40STR | form | string | No | |
Custom41STR | form | string | No | |
Custom42STR | form | string | No | |
Custom43STR | form | string | No | |
Custom44STR | form | string | No | |
Custom45STR | form | string | No | |
DefaultWarehouseId | form | string | No | |
Status | form | string | No | |
ContainerPriceList | form | string | No | |
CreditSheetNotes | form | string | No | |
DiscountPoints | form | double | No | |
CustomerTags | form | string | No | |
StateTaxExpiration | form | DateTime | No | |
BlockWebAccess | form | bool | No | |
BackOrders | form | int | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /service/UpdateCustomerRDB HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
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phone: String,
shipName: String,
shipAddress: String,
shipAddress2: String,
shipCity: String,
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shipZipcode: String,
shipCountry: String,
shipPhone: String,
email: String,
website: String,
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contact: String,
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creditCardNumber: String,
creditCardExpiration: String,
creditCardAVS: String,
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creditCardCity: String,
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custom45STR: String,
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status: String,
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blockWebAccess: False,
backOrders: 0
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