All Verbs | /service/UploadCustomers |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CustomerIds | query | string[] | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Customers | form | List<Customers> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
strCustomerID | form | string | No | |
strCompanyName | form | string | No | |
strAccountType | form | string | No | |
strBillAddress | form | string | No | |
strBillAddress2 | form | string | No | |
strBillCity | form | string | No | |
strBillState | form | string | No | |
strBillZipcode | form | string | No | |
strBillCountry | form | string | No | |
strPhone | form | string | No | |
strShipName | form | string | No | |
strShipAddress | form | string | No | |
strShipAddress2 | form | string | No | |
strShipCity | form | string | No | |
strShipState | form | string | No | |
strShipZipcode | form | string | No | |
strShipCountry | form | string | No | |
strShipPhone | form | string | No | |
strEmail | form | string | No | |
strWebsite | form | string | No | |
strFax | form | string | No | |
strContact | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardType | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardNumber | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardExpiration | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAVS | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardName | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAddress | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardAddress2 | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardCity | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardState | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardZipcode | form | string | No | |
strCreditCardCountry | form | string | No | |
strShipVia | form | string | No | |
strTerms | form | string | No | |
strSalesRep | form | string | No | |
memNotes | form | string | No | |
ysnKeyAccount | form | bool? | No | |
curCreditLimit | form | double? | No | |
strDBNum | form | string | No | |
memBank | form | string | No | |
strBankAccountNum | form | string | No | |
strBankAccountType | form | string | No | |
strFederalTaxID | form | string | No | |
strStateTaxID | form | string | No | |
memReference1 | form | string | No | |
memReference2 | form | string | No | |
memReference3 | form | string | No | |
memReference4 | form | string | No | |
memReference5 | form | string | No | |
ysnFaxOrder | form | bool? | No | |
ysnEmailOrder | form | bool? | No | |
strCustom1 | form | string | No | |
strCustom2 | form | string | No | |
strCustom3 | form | string | No | |
strCustom4 | form | string | No | |
strCustom5 | form | string | No | |
strCustom6 | form | string | No | |
strCustom7 | form | string | No | |
strCustom8 | form | string | No | |
strCustom9 | form | string | No | |
strCustom10 | form | string | No | |
strCustom11 | form | string | No | |
strCustom12 | form | string | No | |
strCustom13 | form | string | No | |
strCustom14 | form | string | No | |
strCustom15 | form | string | No | |
ysnNewCustomer | form | bool? | No | |
ysnModified | form | bool? | No | |
dblDiscount | form | double? | No | |
ysnLineLevel | form | bool? | No | |
ysnOrderLevel | form | bool? | No | |
strPricingLevel | form | string | No | |
strType | form | string | No | |
dtmCreated | form | DateTime? | No | |
strSalesRep2 | form | string | No | |
dtmLastContact | form | DateTime? | No | |
dtmLastOrder | form | DateTime? | No | |
memERPNotes | form | string | No | |
dblCurBalance | form | double? | No | |
dblPast30Days | form | double? | No | |
dblPast60Days | form | double? | No | |
dblPast90Days | form | double? | No | |
dblPast1Days | form | double? | No | |
strSource | form | string | No | |
strTerritoryID | form | string | No | |
strRegionID | form | string | No | |
strOriginalCustomerID | form | string | No | |
ysnExported | form | bool? | No | |
strCurrencyCode | form | string | No | |
dblCYForecast | form | double? | No | |
dblNYForecast | form | double? | No | |
dtmInfoReviewed | form | DateTime? | No | |
ysnInfoReviewed | form | bool | No | |
strPriceList | form | string | No | |
strRanking | form | string | No | |
strHash | form | string | No | |
strSalesRep3 | form | string | No | |
strSalesRep4 | form | string | No | |
strSalesRep5 | form | string | No | |
ysnResidential | form | bool | No | |
ysnPORequired | form | bool | No | |
strCustom16 | form | string | No | |
strCustom17 | form | string | No | |
strCustom18 | form | string | No | |
strCustom19 | form | string | No | |
strCustom20 | form | string | No | |
strCustom21 | form | string | No | |
strCustom22 | form | string | No | |
strCustom23 | form | string | No | |
strCustom24 | form | string | No | |
strCustom25 | form | string | No | |
strCustom26 | form | string | No | |
strCustom27 | form | string | No | |
strCustom28 | form | string | No | |
strCustom29 | form | string | No | |
strCustom30 | form | string | No | |
dblCreditAvailable | form | double? | No | |
dblTotalBalance | form | double? | No | |
dblFutureBalance | form | double? | No | |
strBankAddress | form | string | No | |
strBankCity | form | string | No | |
strBankState | form | string | No | |
strBankZipcode | form | string | No | |
strBankPhone | form | string | No | |
strBankFax | form | string | No | |
strBankContact | form | string | No | |
strReference1Account | form | string | No | |
strReference1Phone | form | string | No | |
strReference1Fax | form | string | No | |
strReference1Contact | form | string | No | |
strReference2Account | form | string | No | |
strReference2Phone | form | string | No | |
strReference2Fax | form | string | No | |
strReference2Contact | form | string | No | |
strReference3Account | form | string | No | |
strReference3Phone | form | string | No | |
strReference3Fax | form | string | No | |
strReference3Contact | form | string | No | |
ysnSalesRep1Sellable | form | bool | No | |
ysnSalesRep2Sellable | form | bool | No | |
ysnSalesRep3Sellable | form | bool | No | |
ysnSalesRep4Sellable | form | bool | No | |
ysnSalesRep5Sellable | form | bool | No | |
strBillAddress3 | form | string | No | |
strShipAddress3 | form | string | No | |
strCreatedBy | form | string | No | |
ysnSetupCompleted | form | bool | No | |
ysnSendSetupForm | form | bool | No | |
strB2BUserID | form | string | No | |
intCreditChecksExecuted | form | int? | No | |
ysnCreditHold | form | bool | No | |
strOwner | form | string | No | |
strLocationType | form | string | No | |
strAnnualSales | form | string | No | |
strNumOfEmployees | form | string | No | |
strYearBusinessOpened | form | string | No | |
strDaysHoursOfOperation | form | string | No | |
strBestTimesToContact | form | string | No | |
strBuyingMonths | form | string | No | |
strSICCode | form | string | No | |
strNAICSCode | form | string | No | |
strCreditProfileID | form | string | No | |
strBankBranchLocation | form | string | No | |
strReference1Address | form | string | No | |
strReference1City | form | string | No | |
strReference1State | form | string | No | |
strReference1Zip | form | string | No | |
strReference2Address | form | string | No | |
strReference2City | form | string | No | |
strReference2State | form | string | No | |
strReference2Zip | form | string | No | |
strReference3Address | form | string | No | |
strReference3City | form | string | No | |
strReference3State | form | string | No | |
strReference3Zip | form | string | No | |
ysnDNU | form | bool | No | |
strRestrictionGroup | form | string | No | |
dblDiscountPercent1 | form | double? | No | |
dblDiscountPercent2 | form | double? | No | |
dblDiscountPercent3 | form | double? | No | |
dblDiscountPercent4 | form | double? | No | |
dblDiscountPercent5 | form | double? | No | |
strKeyAccountGroup | form | string | No | |
strCustom31 | form | string | No | |
strCustom32 | form | string | No | |
strCustom33 | form | string | No | |
strCustom34 | form | string | No | |
strCustom35 | form | string | No | |
strCustom36 | form | string | No | |
strCustom37 | form | string | No | |
strCustom38 | form | string | No | |
strCustom39 | form | string | No | |
strCustom40 | form | string | No | |
strCustom41 | form | string | No | |
strCustom42 | form | string | No | |
strCustom43 | form | string | No | |
strCustom44 | form | string | No | |
strCustom45 | form | string | No | |
strDefaultWarehouseID | form | string | No | |
strStatus | form | string | No | |
strContainerPriceList | form | string | No | |
strCreditSheetNotes | form | string | No | |
dblDiscountPoints | form | double? | No | |
strCustomerTags | form | string | No | |
dtmStateTaxExpiration | form | DateTime? | No | |
ysnBlockWebAccess | form | bool | No | |
intBackOrders | form | int? | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .other suffix or ?format=other
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /service/UploadCustomers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xlsx
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Content-Length: length
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xlsx Content-Length: length 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